In partnership with Nottinghamshire Carers Association, Young Carers Notts are currently co-producing a Young Carers ID Card. The ID card will be used by Young Carers as a way of identifying themselves as being a Young Carer. The card will be useful to bring into school, to doctors surgeries and pharmacies as well as out in the community with the intention of giving the Young Carer easier access to support and services.
As we are developing this for Young Carers we are asking Young Carers to have their say on the card! From how it should look to what information should be included, we would love to hear individual opinions on how we can make this work.
Below is a link to the short survey we have created. Here you will be able to answer a few questions and give us your opinions on the card itself. Alternatively, you can scan the QR code on the poster above!
We look forward to hearing from you!